Our Team Members


Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora
Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora
Associate Professor | Since 2016
Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora is an Associate Professor at the Cognitive Robotics department of the Delft University of Technology, where he leads the Autonomous Multi-robots Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. degree from ETH Zurich, in partnership with Disney Research Zurich, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT, and a co-founder of The Routing Company. His research focuses on motion planning among decision-making agents in dynamic and uncertain environments and on multi-robot coordination, with broad applications in smart mobility, mobile manipulation, autonomous vehicles, and micro aerial vehicles. He co-chairs the IEEE RAS TC on Multi-Robot Systems and is the recipient of a talent scheme VENI award from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2017), the ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-robot Systems (2019), an ERC Starting Grant (2021) and a Best Paper Award Finalist at IEEE MRS (2023).

Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora is an Associate Professor at the Cognitive Robotics department of the Delft University of Technology, where he leads the Autonomous Multi-robots Laboratory. Prior to joining TU Delft, Dr. Alonso-Mora was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received his Ph.D. degree in robotics from ETH Zurich, where he worked in the Autonomous Systems Lab and in partnership with Disney Research Zurich. Dr. Alonso-Mora holds a Diploma in Engineering and a Diploma in Mathematics from the Technical University of Barcelona (UPC), where he was part of the Interdisciplinary Higher Education Centre (CFIS) and the Robotics Institute (IRI).

Prof. Alonso-Mora currently serves as associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Springer Autonomous Robots, and several conferences. He co-chairs the IEEE RAS TC on Multi-Robot Systems and is a local co-organizer of RSS 2024. He is a co-founder of The Routing Company, and was a Principal Investigator at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute).

His main research interests are in navigation, motion planning, learning and control of autonomous mobile robots, and teams thereof, that interact with other robots and humans in dynamic and uncertain environments. He is the recipient of multiple prizes and grants, including a Best Paper Award Finalist at IEEE MRS (2023), an ERC Starting Grant (2021), the ICRA Best Paper Award on Multi-robot Systems (2019), an Amazon Research Award (2019) and a talent scheme VENI award from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (2017).


Gang (Clarence) Chen
Gang (Clarence) Chen
Post-Doctoral Researcher | Since 2023
My research focuses on semantic mapping in dynamic environments.
Sihao Sun
Sihao Sun
Postdoc researcher | Since 2024
Aerial manipulation, Multi-robot systems, Optimization-based control, Incremental nonlinear control.
Ahmad Gazar
Ahmad Gazar
Postdoc Researcher | Since 2024
Trajectory optimization, adaptive control/reinforcement learning and optimal decision-making under uncertainty for autonomous robots.

PhD Candidates

Max Spahn
Max Spahn
PhD Candidate | Since 2020
Mobile manipulation in dynamic environments, utilizing methods such as Optimization Fabrics and MPC for real-time trajectory generation.
Elia Trevisan
Elia Trevisan
PhD Candidate | Since 2020
Sampling-based MPC for motion planning of vessels in urban canals.
Max Lodel
Max Lodel
PhD Candidate | Since 2020
Human-in-the-loop and Multi-Robot Autonomous Exploration for Search and Rescue Scenarios.
Dennis Benders
Dennis Benders
PhD Candidate | Since 2021
Robust motion planning and control for autonomous aerial vehicles (Main supervisor: L. Ferranti)
Luzia Knoedler
Luzia Knoedler
PhD Candidate | Since 2021
Socially Compliant and Interactive Navigation for Mobile Manipulators in Human-centred Environments
Lasse Peters
Lasse Peters
PhD Candidate | Since 2021
Combining methods from optimal control, game theory, and reinforcement learning to design control strategies for multi-agent systems under uncertainty.
Anna Mészáros
Anna Mészáros
PhD Candidate | Since 2022
My research focuses on probabilistic predictions of traffic participants in an environment surrounding an autonomous agent.
Saray Bakker
Saray Bakker
PhD Candidate | Since 2022
Intuitive motion planning for mobile manipulators in multi-agent settings.
Khaled Mustafa
Khaled Mustafa
PhD Candidate | Since 2022
Risk-aware motion planning for autonomous driving in urban scenarios.
Andreu Matoses Gimenez
Andreu Matoses Gimenez
PhD Candidate | Since 2023
I research task and motion planning for multi-robot systems.

Research Assistants

Past Members

Nils Wilde (2021 - 2024), Post-Doctoral Researcher: Now Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University, Canada. Research topics: multi-robot coordination and task assignment, vehicle routing, human-robot interaction, preference learning, learning from human feedback, motion planning and multi-objective planning.
Álvaro Serra Gómez (2019 - 2024), PhD Candidate: Motion planning for multi-robot high-level scene reasoning. Now Postdoc at Leiden University.
Oscar de Groot (2020 - 2024), PhD Candidate: Safe and efficient motion planning for autonomous vehicles in urban environments.
Daniel Jarne (2023 - 2024), Post-Doctoral Researcher: Decision making under uncertainty, safety and interpretability in RL, multi-agent RL and information theory. Now at oxford.
Maximilian Kronmueller (2019 - 2024), PhD Candidate: Optimizing Routing and Fleet Sizing for Flash Delivery Operations
Andres Fielbaum (2019 - 2023), Post-Doctoral Student: Now a Lecturer at the School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney
Bruno Brito (2017 - 2021), PhD Candidate: Now Researcher at NVIDIA
Hai Zhu (2017 - 2021), PhD Candidate: Now Assistant Professor at DII.
Laura Ferranti (2017 - 2019), Postdoctoral researcher: Distributed motion planning in urban environments [Co-supervised with Prof. R. Negenborn and Dr. T. Keviczky] & Motion planning in urban environments [Co-supervised with Dr. R. Happee.] Now Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology.
Jieting Luo (2018 - 2019), Postdoctoral researcher: Multi-robot Systems [Co-supervised with Dr. E. Steuer].
Tobias Naegeli (2014 - 2018), Phd candidate: Aerial cinematography [ETH Zurich, main advisor: O. Hilliges]. Now Co-founder of Tinamu Labs.
Michal Cap (2017 - 2018), Postdoctoral researcher: Now Director of Autonomy, ISEE, Cambridge, USA

Past Visitors

Tomas Merva (2024 - 2024), PhD visitor: Grasp and motion planning for mobile manipulators [TUKE, advisor: Prof. Ivan Virgala]
Vít Krátký (2023 - 2023), PhD visitor: Cooperative Sensing with multiple UAVs [CTU Prague, advisor: Prof. Martin Saska]
Diego Martinez-Baselga (2023 - 2023), PhD visitor: Navigation in Crowded Environments [U. Zaragoza, advisor: Prof. Luis Montano and Prof. Luis Riazuelo]
Patrik Vacek (2022 - 2023), PhD visitor: Semantic Segmentation in Dynamic Environments [CTU Prague, advisor: Prof. Tomáš Svoboda]
Maite Lorente (2018 - 2018), PhD visitor: Reactive collision avoidance for multi-robot teams [U. Zaragoza, advisor: Prof. Luis Montano]
Isabelle (2018 - 2018), Bachelor Student: Shared mobility on demand
David Fiedler (2018 - 2018), PhD visitor: Automated Mobility on Demand [CTU Prague]
Hans Andersen (2017 - 2017), PhD visitor: Planning and decision making for autonomous driving [NUS/SMART, advisor: Prof. Marcelo Ang]

Past Research Assistants

Thijs Niesten (2022 - 2024), Research Engineer (Drones): Efficient testing and reproducible modular software stacks for real robotics.
Robert Ruigrok (2018 - 2018), Research assistant: Automated Mobility on Demand