The website:
A new website for our Autonomous Multi-Robot Lab (AMR) at TU Delft. The webiste is built using Jekyll, Boostrap 5 css and hosted on GitHub Pages. It builds automatically when a commit is pushed to the main
branch. It takes some minutes to build and for the changes to be reflected on the website. Check the build progress in actions (github repo).
Any file for projects, etc. can be either .md, or .html, just choose the most convenient and maintain the same frontmatter.
The website is still under development. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
We set up a GitHub action that builds the website upon pushing to the main
branch. However, if you want to preview the website locally before pushing, you can do so by following these steps:
Clone this repository
Run the following command in the root directory of the repository:
docker compose up
This will launch the website at http://localhost:4000
with live-reload enabled. Hence, you should be able to make changes to any file and they should appear automatically on your local instance upon saving that file.
Each publication in the _data/publications.json
file is represented as a JSON object. Juts add yours (at the top for example, they then order by date) and commit. It has the following fields:
: The title of the publication. This should be a string.
: An array of strings, where each string is the name of an author of the publication.
: The date of the publication in “YYYY-MM-DD” format. If you don’t know the day or month, just put any (e.g 2023-01-01).
: The type of the publication (available: “journal”, “conference”, “workshop”, “thesis”, “other”.).
: The venue where the publication was published (e.g., the name of a journal or conference). Do not put the year.
: A dictionary, where each object represents a link related to the publication. Each link object should have a name (e.g., “web”:, “PDF”: ) and the associated URL.
: Any additional notes about the publication (e.g. “Nominated for best bets paper award”). This field is optional. is added after the date in the publication entry.
: (OPTIONAL) The path (or url) to an image file that represents the publication. This image is displayed on the publication’s card on the website. RECOMMENDED: The image should be square (same width and height). If you don’t have an image, don’t add this field.
: An array of strings, where each string is the id of a project that the publication is associated with. The publication will then display in that project’s page. If the publication is not associated with any project, use “note”: null. Project ids are defined in each _projects/
entry. Currently: “airlab-manipulation”, “airlab-ondemand”, “drones-emergency”, “game-theoretic-mp”, “ridepooling”, “scene-reasoning-team”, “safevru”, “harmony”, “interact”, “trilogy”.
: The abstract of the publication, as a long string.
Here’s an example of what a publication object might look like:
"title": "Learning to Play Trajectory Games Against Opponents with Unknown Objectives",
"authors": [
"X. Liu",
"L. Peters",
"J. Alonso-Mora"
"date": "2023-04-01",
"type": "journal",
"venue": "Proceedings of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)",
"links": [
"web": ""
"PDF": "/assets/files/publications/liu2022ral.pdf"
"video": ""
"image": "/assets/images/publications/liu2022ral.png",
"note": null,
"belongs_to_projects": ["game-theoretic-mp", "interact"],
"abstract": "Abstract: Many autonomous agents, such a..."
To add a new project to the website, you need to create a new Markdown file in the _projects/
directory. The easiest is just to copy another project and change the data for yours.The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
title: "INTERACT: Intuitive Interaction for Robots among Humans"
project_id: interact
belongs_to_areas: [social-robots, mobile-manipulation]
date: 2023-01-01
# end_date: 2028-01-01 # end date if ended, approximated if not sure.
description: >-
In this project, interactions of mobile robots and humans is key...
image: /assets/images/projects/interact/INTERACT_picture.png
- name: Project Website
url: "https://..."
- name: "Github: multi-agent fabrics"
url: ""
fundings: This project is funded the ERC Starting Grant project "Intuitive Interaction for Humans among Robots (INTERACT)".
- name: Saray Bakker
- name: Andreu Matoses Gimenez
- name: Dr. Clarence Chen
- name: Prof. Javier Alonso-Mora
extra_info: Autonomous Multi-Robot Lab (AMR) TU Delft
- name: Prof. Wendelin Bohmer
extra_info: Key collaborator.
# Here you put the main body of the page, in markdown. You can also mix in html, or change this .md to .html
## About the Project...
Here’s what each field means:
: The title of the project.
: A unique identifier for the project. This is used by publications to associate themselves with this project. Currently available: “autonomous-vehicles”, “entertainment”, “flying-robots”, “mobile-manipulation”, “social-robots”, “transportation”
: A list of area IDs that this project belongs to.
: The start date of the project. This is used for display purposes and for ordering projects on the website.
: (optional, just comment or remove if not applicable) The end date of the project. This is used for display purposes.
: A description of the project. This is displayed on the project’s card on the website.
: The path (or url) to an image file that represents the project. This image is displayed on the project’s card on the website.
: A list of links related to the project. Each link should have a name
and a url
: Information about the project’s funding sources.
: A list of people involved in the project. Each person should have a name
, and can optionally have extra_info
about their role or affiliation.
To add a new person to the website, you need to create a new Markdown file in the _people/
directory. The easiest is just to copy another person and change the data for yours.The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
name: Andreu Matoses Gimenez
title: PhD Candidate
type: phd-candidate
joined_date: 2023-06-01
- name: Website
url: ""
- name: Google Scholar
url: ""
- name: Contact
url: ""
Here’s what each field means:
: The person’s name.
: The title that shows below the person’s name on the website.
: The person’s role in the team (e.g., “post-doc”, “phd-candidate”, “professor”, “engineer”).
: The date when the person joined the team.
: (optional, comment if not) The date when the person left the team. If you add a left date, the member will be moved to the past members section and the image field will not be used.
: The URL or path to an image file that represents the person. This image is displayed on the person’s card on the website. IMPORTANT: The image should be square (same width and height).
: The URL that you want to be linked from the person’s name (in projects, authors). This field is optional. (hasn’t been implemented yet)
: A list of links related to the person. Each link should have a name
and a url
Straight forward, just add a new file in the _areas/
directory. The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
title: Social Robots
subtitle: Among Humans | Motion Planners | Interaction | Social Preferences
area_id: social-robots # You add this ID in the project's front matter to associate it with this research area.
# image: # Currently not used. Didn't see the use.
The vision of ground robots seamlessly ...
Straight forward, just add a new file in the _news/
directory. The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block, followed by the content, that looks like this:
title: Workshop on Human Multi-Robot Interaction at IROS 2023
date: 2023-09-01
We are co-organizing the Workshop on Human Multi-Robot Interaction at IROS 2023. ...
Straight forward, just add a new file in the _robots/
directory. The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
name: Jackal
subtitle: Differential-drive robotic research platform from Clearpath with custom perception pipeline.
type: ground robot # The type of robot: ground robot, flying robot, manipulator, mobile manipulator
image: /assets/images/robots/jackal.jpg
used_in_projects: [harmony, drones-emergency, ridepooling, scene-reasoning-team] # List of project IDs, separated by commas.
Hi! I am Jackal...
A new master thesis proposal can be added in the folder /_msc_projects_available
. The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
title: MSc Project Example about the development of a new algorithm for the planning and control
- name: John Doe
url: "/" #Optional, remove if not
# If you want to use this webiste as the proposal document, comment the proposal_document, just write in the body of the document with markdown
proposal_document: /assets/files/student_projects/Brochure_thesis_jam.pdf
display: true # Do you want to display this project in the table? (true/false)
You may add more than one supervisor, and optionally a link so your name is clickable. The boolean display
is to decide if the project is displayed in the available master thesis table.
The proposal document can be a path to a pdf, or you can comment the variable and can write the proposal in the body of the document with markdown. You may use latex style math in the body if the document , such as $ \alpha = \beta $.
When a student finishes, they can create a small website for the project, which will also help prospect students to see what their colleagues have done, and for us to keep track. The template is modeled after the typical website you would see for papers nowadays. The html/.md file can be added in /_msc_projects_finished
The template to give to students is here. An example of how it looks is here
Directly edit the corresponding markdown file in the root directory. Should be very straightforward.
To add a new page, first create a new Markdown file in the root directory. The file should start with a YAML frontmatter block that looks like this:
title: Vacancies
permalink: /vacancies/
By default it will use the page layout, which contains a title and a content section (plus all the basic components such as navbar, footer, etc..). If you want to use a different layout, you can specify it in the frontmatter block.
Then to make the page accessible from the navbar, you need to add it to the _data/navbar.yml
file. Just add a new entry to the list, with the title and the URL (the same as the permalink
in the frontmatter block).
You can use the following liquid tag to use the include
fix_link.html, which will append whatever is necessary to the link. For example:
<a href="
<img class="img-fluid" src="
" alt="Image 1">
<img class="img-fluid" src="
" alt="Image 1">
Additionally, if you want to add a grid of images that distibues equally n_columns
, you can use the following liquid tag:
<!-- This basically puts images in a grid. row-cols-md-X, where X means how many columns. md means until the screen is smaller than medium (ipad). Change X for 2,3,4,6,8,12 -->
<div class="image-grid text-center mb-2">
<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3 g-2">
Where image_list is an array of image links, and n_columns is the number of columns you want to distribute the images. The image_list can be defined in the front matter of the file (cleaner), or in the liquid tag itself with this trick.
Github pages makes it a bit annoying to link to local (without the http://…) files and images. The easiest way is to put them in the assets/...
directory. Then you can link to them using the site.baseurl
variable to append to the path. For example, to link to the file assets/files/publications/liu2022ral.pdf
, you can use the following markdown:
[Link to the PDF](/assets/files/publications/23-wilde-ral.pdf)
Images are the same (put the html in the markdown file as is), just append the relative_url
<div class="image-div mb-3 d-flex justify-content-center">
<img src="/assets/images/cover_pic_4x3.png" class="img-fluid" width="600" alt="lab">