Our main research interests are in navigation, motion planning, learning, and control of autonomous mobile robots, and teams thereof, that interact with other robots and humans in dynamic and uncertain environments.
We contribute novel methods and solutions in the areas of motion planning, dynamic vehicle routing, multi-robot coordination, multi-robot learning, task assignment, active perception, formation control, collision avoidance and human-swarm interaction. Building towards the smart industries and cities of the future, we apply these techniques in various fields, including autonomous cars, automated factories, aerial vehicles, autonomous vessels, mobile manipulation and intelligent transportation systems with ride-sharing.
You can also read more about some of our research in this TU Delft story.
Our group's research is applied mainly to the following fields:
Check our Youtube Playlist to see the latest videos of demos and papers!. You can also go directly to our GitHub.
Max Spahn successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Trajectory Generation for Mobile Manipulators with Differential Geometry: Behavior Encoding beyond Model Predictive Control”.
Oscar de Groot successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Probabilistic Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments: Parallelizable Scenario-Based Trajectory Optimization with Global Guidance”.
Our paper “Group-Based Distributed Auction Algorithms for Multi-Robot Task Assignment” has received the 2024 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award.
Our paper “Auto-Encoding Bayesian Inverse Games” has been accepted to the 16th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) in Chicago.
We have a new paper titled “RACP: Risk-Aware Contingency Planning with Multi-Modal Predictions” published at T-IV! See publications for details.
Lasse Peters gave a guest lecture on “Game-Theoretic Models for Mult-Agent Interaction” as part of the CMU special topics class on “Models & Algorithms for Interactive Robotics”. A recording of the lecture is available here.
We will be presenting three papers in IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS) in Boston! See publications for details.
We are co-organizing the Workshop on Human Multi-Robot Interaction at IROS 2023. Check out the workshop’s website for details.
We have a new paper: Optimizing Task Waiting Times in Dynamic Vehicle Routing published at RA-L! See publications for details.
We will be presenting multiple papers in ICRA and IV! See publications for details.
I am honored to have received an ERC Starting grant for my project Intuitive Interaction for Robots among Humans (INTERACT)! Read more.
We won the IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award in Multi-Robot Systems!! Congrats Hai, Jelle and Laura!