Multi Agent Motion Planning

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Roland Siegwart - Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich
Paul Beardsley - Disney Research Zurich
Prof. Javier Alonso-Mora - Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich


This project was funded by Disney Research Zurich

About the Project

Multi-robot systems are designed to achieve tasks by collaboration. A key requirement for their efficient operation is good coordination and collision avoidance. Various methods have previously been proposed for single robot cases but when applied to multi-robot systems they often are computationally expensive. This project proposes novel collision avoidance strategies for a group of non-holonomic robots such as non-holonomic optimal reciprocal collision avoidance(NH-ORCA). A set of planners are developed for aerial vehicles as well that have low-computational complexity.

NH-ORCA works by controlling robots to stay within a maximum tracking error of the ideal trajectory. This builds on an approach called ORCA which worked well for holonomic robots. NH-ORCA is a fast and distributed method that can deal with crowded situations as well and helps robotic systems achieve smooth and visually appealing trajectories. Several experiments are conducted and recorded with a number of non-holonomic puck robots which help demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

Another contribution of this project was the development of methods based on Velocity Obstacles(VO) to provide real-time motion planning for quadrotors. This provides a local motion planner which considers motion constraints, static obstacles and other agents. The approaches are either centralised or distributed and have been applied to varying sizes of quadrotor agent groups. Succesful performance was shown in these experiments with up to four quadrotors in close proximity and including humans.

Project Demonstrations

Funding & Partners

This project was performed at ETH Zurich and funded by Disney Research Zurich.

Related Publications

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IIn this paper an optimalmethod for distributed collision avoidance among multiple non-holonomic robots is presented in theory and experiments. Non-holonomic optimal reciprocal collision avoidance (NH-ORCA) builds on the concepts introduced in [2], but further guarantees smooth and collision-free motions under non-holonomic constraints. Optimal control inputs and constraints in velocity space are formally derived for the non-holonomic robots. The theoretical results are validated in several collision avoidance experiments with up to fourteen e-puck robots set on collision course. Even in scenarios with very crowded situations, NH-ORCA showed to be collision-free for all times.