AI for Retail: Mobile Manipulation in Dynamic Environments

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Max Spahn - PhD candidate
Prof. Martijn Wisse
Prof. Javier Alonso-Mora


This project is funded by Ahold Delhaize.

About the Project

Mobile manipulators are commonly used in close proximity to each other as well as to other objects including humans. This helps improve efficiency and enables these robotic systems to be used for execution of complex tasks. However, this requires obtaining viable trajectories for multiple robots in an ever-changing environment. The AI for Retail (AIR) Lab Delft is a joint TU Delft-Ahold Delhaize industry lab which focuses on building methods to tackle such problems while testing it in a retail grocery store environment. As part of the project, we develop novel methods for trajectory generation for mobile manipulation. In the context of retail environments, it is especially important to generate motions that are safe in the proximity of humans.

Multi-robot motion planning often suffers from high computational costs especially when dealing with large number of robots. The ability of these methods to adapt online in real-time becomes essential. This project introduced multi-robot dynamics fabrics(MRDF) which builds upon dynamic fabrics that are based on local planning using a differential equation. The proposed method can be used for replanning at higher frequencies making it advantageous for complex systems in dynamic environments. Simulation experiments are performed with multiple manipulators in close proximity performing a pick-and-place task. Results highlighted the success of this approach and a significant reduction in computation time making it realistic for real-time local motion planning.

In addition to this, the project also introduced a reactive task and motion planning (TAMP) method which can cope with unforeseen disturbances during runtime. This is done by firstly developing a high-level planner that can sample parallel motion plans to minimise the cost function and computes control input. A behavior tree guides the search which allows real-time high level planning and alternatives can be used in case of disturbances. The main strength of this method is it’s ability to reason over the discrete alternatives at the motion planning level. The method was tested for push-pull and object stacking tasks which showed it’s ability to deal with corner cases and also solve these tasks with various grasp strategies and severe disturbances.

Project Demonstrations

Funding & Partners

This project has been funded by Ahold Delhaize.

Local Planner Bench: Benchmarking for Local Motion Planning
Max Spahn, Chadi Salmi, Javier Alonso-Mora. In , 2022.

Ride-sourcing companies have worsened congestion in numerous cities worldwide, as many users are attracted from more sustainable modes. To reverse this trend, it is crucial to leverage the technology of connecting users and vehicles online and use it to strengthen public transport, which can be achieved by integrating on-demand pooled services with existing fixed-line services. We propose an efficient and practical integration idea: namely, to complement fixed bus lines with a fleet of smaller vehicles that follow flexible (on-demand) routes side-by-side with the fixed routes, so that part of the demand that would have used the fixed line can ride the flexible service instead. With this scheme, a smaller bus fleet is required, partially compensating for the increase in operators’ costs stemming from the flexible vehicles. This integration strategy favors mostly two types of users: those traveling in low-demand periods, through lower waiting times, and those located far from the bus stops, because the on-demand vehicles can reduce their access time. We develop simulations in real-world scenarios from Santiago, Chile, and Berlin, Germany, for the cases of human-driven and automated vehicles. Results show that when vehicles are automated: (i) A small number of on-demand vehicles can reduce average walking times from approximately 12 to 2 min while reducing operators’ costs, leading to a Pareto improvement, (ii) A larger number of on-demand vehicles can diminish total costs by 13%–39%, through a reduction in users’ costs, although increasing operators’ costs. If vehicles are not automated, total costs are reduced by more than 10% in all of the scenarios analyzed, but a Pareto improvement is not always possible. In general, this mixed fixed/on-demand system outperforms the use of on-demand ridepooling only. Results are more promising in Berlin, because large buses are cheaper in Santiago and run more crowded, so it is more costly to partially replace them by smaller vehicles.

Sampling-based Model Predictive Control Leveraging Parallelizable Physics Simulations
Corrado Pezzato, Chadi Salmi, Elia Trevisan, Max Spahn, Javier Alonso-Mora, Carlos Hernández Corbato. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2025.

We present a method for sampling-based model predictive control that makes use of a generic physics simulator as the dynamical model. In particular, we propose a Model Predictive Path Integral controller (MPPI), that uses the GPU-parallelizable IsaacGym simulator to compute the forward dynamics of a problem. By doing so, we eliminate the need for manual encoding of robot dynamics and interactions among objects and allow one to effortlessly solve complex navigation and contact-rich tasks. Since no explicit dynamic modeling is required, the method is easily extendable to different objects and robots. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in several simulated and real-world settings, among which mobile navigation with collision avoidance, non-prehensile manipulation, and whole-body control for high-dimensional configuration spaces. This method is a powerful and accessible tool to solve a large variety of contact-rich motion planning tasks.
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Demonstrating Adaptive Mobile Manipulation in Retail Environments
Max Spahn, Corrado Pezzato, Chadi Salmi, Rick Dekker, Cong Wang, Christian Pek, Jens Kober, Javier Alonso-Mora, Carlos Hernández Corbato, Martijn Wisse. In , Proc. of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2024.

Although autonomous robots have great potential to boost efficiency and throughput across the whole retail chain, they are mostly being deployed in large warehouses and distribution centers. Deploying robots in stores with customers, such as supermarkets, requires substantially more development efforts since they need to safely operate around customers and reliably cope with various uncertainties and disturbances, such as misplaced products. We present our recent efforts in developing a mobile manipulator platform for order picking in realistic supermarket settings. Our robot platform uses state-of-the-art perception and planning algorithms to robustly pick items in the presence of disturbances. In particular, it successfully demonstrates adaptive decision making and rapid replanning. Our robot allows adding new products and teaching new picking maneuvers from demonstrations. We validated our robot in a recreated supermarket in our lab and in a test supermarket of a large Dutch retailer. Our results show how our robot successfully recovers from various disturbances, including misplaced products, errors in picking, and from human interaction. We summarize our lessons learned to bring autonomous robots into real retail environments with customers.
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Multi-Modal MPPI and Active Inference for Reactive Task and Motion Planning
Yuezhe Zhang, Corrado Pezzato, Elia Trevisan, Chadi Salmi, Carlos Hernández Corbato, Javier Alonso-Mora. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024.

Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) has made strides in complex manipulation tasks, yet the execution robustness of the planned solutions remains overlooked. In this work, we propose a method for reactive TAMP to cope with runtime uncertainties and disturbances. We combine an Active Inference planner (AIP) for adaptive high-level action selection and a novel Multi-Modal Model Predictive Path Integral controller (M3P2I) for low-level control. This results in a scheme that simultaneously adapts both high-level actions and low-level motions. The AIP generates alternative symbolic plans, each linked to a cost function for M3P2I. The latter employs a physics simulator for diverse trajectory rollouts, deriving optimal control by weighing the different samples according to their cost. This idea enables blending different robot skills for fluid and reactive plan execution, accommodating plan adjustments at both the high and low levels to cope, for instance, with dynamic obstacles or disturbances that invalidate the current plan. We have tested our approach in simulations and real-world scenarios.
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Dynamic Optimization Fabrics for Motion Generation
M. Spahn, M. Wisse, J. Alonso-Mora. In IIEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2023.

Optimization fabrics are a geometric approach to real-time local motion generation, where motions are designed by the composition of several differential equations that exhibit a desired motion behavior. We generalize this framework to dynamic scenarios and nonholonomic robots and prove that fundamental properties can be conserved. We show that convergence to desired trajectories and avoidance of moving obstacles can be guaranteed using simple construction rules of the components. In addition, we present the first quantitative comparisons between optimization fabrics and model predictive control and show that optimization fabrics can generate similar trajectories with better scalability, and thus, much higher replanning frequency (up to 500 Hz with a 7 de- grees of freedom robotic arm). Finally, we present empirical results on several robots, including a nonholonomic mobile manipulator with 10 degrees of freedom and avoidance of a moving human, supporting the theoretical findings.

Multi-Robot Local Motion Planning Using Dynamic Optimization Fabrics
Saray Bakker, Luzia Knoedler, Max Spahn, Wendelin Boehmer, Javier Alonso-Mora. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems, 2023.

In this paper, we address the problem of real-time motion planning for multiple robotic manipulators that operate in close proximity. We build upon the concept of dynamic fabrics and extend them to multi-robot systems, referred to as Multi-Robot Dynamic Fabrics (MRDF). This geometric method enables a very high planning frequency for high-dimensional systems at the expense of being reactive and prone to deadlocks. To detect and resolve deadlocks, we propose Rollout Fabrics where MRDF are forward simulated in a decentralized manner. We validate the methods in simulated close-proximity pick-and-place scenarios with multiple manipulators, showing high success rates and real-time performance.

Autotuning Symbolic Optimization Fabrics for Trajectory Generation
M. Spahn, J. Alonso-Mora. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.

In this paper, we present an automated parameter optimization method for trajectory generation. We formulate parameter optimization as a constrained optimization problem that can be effectively solved using Bayesian optimization. While the approach is generic to any trajectory generation method, we showcase it using optimization fabrics. Optimiza- tion fabrics are a geometric trajectory generation method based on non-Riemannian geometry. By symbolically pre-solving the structure of the tree of fabrics, we obtain a parameterized trajectory generator, called symbolic fabrics. We show that autotuned symbolic fabrics reach expert-level performance in a few trials. Additionally, we show that tuning transfers across different robots, motion planning problems and between sim- ulation and real world. Finally, we qualitatively showcase that the framework could be used for coupled mobile manipulation.

Sampling-Based MPC Using a GPU-parallelizable Physics Simulator as Dynamic Model: an Open Source Implementation with IsaacGym
C. Pezzato, C. Salmi, E. Trevisan, J. Alonso-Mora, C. Hernandez Corbato. In Embracing Contacts Workshop at IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.

We present a method for solving finite horizon optimal control problems using a generic physics simulator as the dynamical model. In particular, we present an open-source implementation of a model predictive path integral controller (MPPI), that uses the GPU-parallelizable IsaacGym simulator as the dynamical model to compute the forward dynamics of the system. This allows one to effortlessly solve complex contact-rich tasks such as for example, non-prehensile manipulation of a variety of objects, or picking with a mobile manipulator. Since there is no explicit dynamic modeling required from a user, the repository is easily extendable to different objects and robots, as we show in the experiments section. This makes this method a powerful and accessible tool to solve a large variety of contact-rich tasks.

Improving Pedestrian Prediction Models with Self-Supervised Continual Learning
Luzia Knoedler, Chadi Salmi, Hai Zhu, Bruno Brito, Javier Alonso-Mora. In , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2022.

Autonomous mobile robots require accurate human motion predictions to safely and efficiently navigate among pedestrians, whose behavior may adapt to environmental changes. This letter introduces a self-supervised continual learning framework to improve data-driven pedestrian prediction models online across various scenarios continuously. In particular, we exploit online streams of pedestrian data, commonly available from the robot’s detection and tracking pipeline, to refine the prediction model and its performance in unseen scenarios. To avoid the forgetting of previously learned concepts, a problem known as catastrophic forgetting, our framework includes a regularization loss to penalize changes of model parameters that are important for previous scenarios and retrains on a set of previous examples to retain past knowledge. Experimental results on real and simulation data show that our approach can improve prediction performance in unseen scenarios while retaining knowledge from seen scenarios when compared to naively training the prediction model online.
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Coupled mobile manipulation via trajectory optimization with free space decomposition
M. Spahn, B. Brito, J. Alonso-Mora. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021.

This paper presents a real-time method for whole-body trajectory optimization of mobile manipulators in simplified dynamic and unstructured environments. Current trajectory optimization methods typically use decoupling of the mobile base and the robotic arm, which reduces flexibility in motion, does not scale to unstructured environments, and does not consider the future evolution of the environment, which is crucial to avoid dynamic obstacles. Given a goal configuration, such as waypoints generated by a global path planner, we formulate a receding horizon trajectory optimization minimizing the distance-to-target while avoiding collisions with static and dynamic obstacles. The presented method unifies the control of a robotic arm and a non-holonomic base to allow coupled trajectory planning. For collision avoidance, we propose to compute three convex regions englobing the robot's major body parts (i.e., base, shoulder-link and wrist-link) and thus reducing and limiting the number of inequality constraints, regardless of the number of obstacles in the environment. Moreover, our approach incorporates predicted trajectory information to smoothly, and in advance, avoid dynamic obstacles. The presented results show that trajectory optimization for the coupled system can reduce the total execution time by 48% and that applying the convex region generation for individual links allows keeping the computational costs low, even for complex scenarios, enabling onboard implementation.