HARMONY: Assistive Robots for Healthcare

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Luzia Knoedler - PhD candidate
Dr. Nils Wilde - Postdoctoral researcher
Prof. Javier Alonso-Mora


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017008.

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About the Project

TU Delft partners

Harmony is a Horizon 2020 project which develops assistive robotic mobile manipulation technologies for environments shared with humans, i.e., hospitals. Specifically, Harmony addresses two use cases:

  1. The automation of on-demand delivery tasks around the hospital
  2. The automation of bio-assay sample flow

Current robotic automation solutions only offer “islands of automation” where either mobility or manipulation is dealt with in isolation. Harmony aims to fill this gap in knowledge by combining both robotic mobility and manipulation modalities in complex, human-centred environments. We at AMR focus on providing adaptive task and motion planning with multiple robots in human-centred environments.

Traditionally task scheduling and planning has been decoupled from motion planning. Yet, when robots navigate in critical and dynamic environments, plans may have to be adapted online to take into account congestion and interaction with other robots and human co-workers. We will devise methods for multi-robot motion planning that schedule plans for the robots and adapt them online taking into account the priority of tasks, their associated uncertainty and the preferences and needs of human co-workers. Furthermore, we will develop local-motion planning approaches which do not only account for collision avoidance but also consider social interactions.

The goal is to have an integrated approach for mobile manipulation in uncertain and dynamic environments shared with humans, which accounts for social interactions, navigation and coordination tasks, and that provides performance guarantees (in expectation).

Project Demonstrations


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017008.

TU Delft partners

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Statistically Distinct Plans for Multi-Objective Task Assignment
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Scalarizing Multi-Objective Robot Planning Problems Using Weighted Maximization
Nils Wilde, Stephen L. Smith, Javier Alonso-Mora. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024.

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Optimizing Task Waiting Times in Dynamic Vehicle Routing
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We study the problem of deploying a fleet of mobile robots to service tasks that arrive stochastically over time and at random locations in an environment. This is known as the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP) and requires robots to allocate incoming tasks among themselves and find an optimal sequence for each robot. State-of-the-art approaches only consider average wait times and focus on high-load scenarios where the arrival rate of tasks approaches the limit of what can be handled by the robots while keeping the queue of unserviced tasks bounded, i.e., stable. To ensure stability, these approaches repeatedly compute minimum distance tours over a set of newly arrived tasks. This letter is aimed at addressing the missing policies for moderate-load scenarios, where quality of service can be improved by prioritizing long-waiting tasks. We introduce a novel DVRP policy based on a cost function that takes the p-norm over accumulated wait times and show it guarantees stability even in high-load scenarios. We demonstrate that the proposed policy outperforms the state-of-the-art in both mean and 95th percentile wait times in moderate-load scenarios through simulation experiments in the Euclidean plane as well as using real-world data for city scale service requests.
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Designing Heterogeneous Robot Fleets for Task Allocation and Sequencing
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Multi-Robot Local Motion Planning Using Dynamic Optimization Fabrics
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Group-based Distributed Auction Algorithms for Multi-Robot Task Assignment
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Improving Pedestrian Prediction Models with Self-Supervised Continual Learning
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Do we use the Right Measure? Challenges in Evaluating Reward Learning Algorithms
N. Wilde, J. Alonso-Mora. In Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022.

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Online Multi-Robot Task Assignment with Stochastic Blockages
N. Wilde, J. Alonso-Mora. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022.

In this paper we study the multi-robot task assignment problem with tasks that appear online and need to be serviced within a fixed time window in an uncertain environment. For example, when deployed in dynamic, human centered environments, the team of robots may not have perfect information about the environment. Parts of the environment may temporarily become blocked and blockages may only be observed on location. While numerous variants of the Canadian Traveler Problem describe the path planning aspect of this problem, few work has been done on multi-robot task allocation (MRTA) under this type of uncertainty. In this paper, we introduce and theoretically analyze the problem of MRTA with recoverable online blockages. Based on a stochastic blockage model, we compute offline tours using the expected travel costs for the online routing problem. The cost of the offline tours is used in a greedy task assignment algorithm. In simulation experiments we highlight the performance benefits of the proposed method under various settings.

Error-Bounded Approximation of Pareto Fronts in Robot Planning Problems
A. Botros, A. Sadeghi, N. Wilde, J. Alonso-Mora, S. L. Smith. In 15th Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2022.

Many problems in robotics seek to simultaneously optimize several competing objectives under constraints. A conventional approach to solving such multi-objective optimization problems is to create a single cost function comprised of the weighted sum of the individual objectives. Solutions to this scalarized optimization problem are Pareto optimal solutions to the original multi-objective problem. However, finding an accurate representation of a Pareto front remains an important challenge. Using uniformly spaced weight vectors is often inefficient and does not provide error bounds. Thus, we address the problem of computing a finite set of weight vectors such that for any other weight vector, there exists an element in the set whose error compared to optimal is minimized. To this end, we prove fundamental properties of the optimal cost as a function of the weight vector, including its continuity and concavity. Using these, we propose an algorithm that greedily adds the weight vector least-represented by the current set, and provide bounds on the error. Finally, we illustrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms uniformly distributed weights for different robot planning problems with varying numbers of objective functions.
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Learning a Guidance Policy from Humans for Social Navigation
L. Knoedler, B. Brito, M. Everett, J.P. How, J. Alonso-Mora. In Social Robot Navigation: Advances and Evaluation at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022.

Autonomous mobile robots navigating among humans must not only consider safety and efficiency but also move acceptably in the current social context. A hybrid deep reinforcement learning - model predictive control (DRL-MPC) approach can account for the complex interactions among humans while maintaining the collision avoidance guarantees and feasibility constraints inherent in the MPC formulation. However, encoding socially acceptable behavior through a reward or cost function, along with other objectives such as reaching the goal quickly, is challenging. Therefore, this work proposes a new training strategy that combines supervised and reinforcement learning to exploit human demonstration. Furthermore, it presents first results from real-world experiments.

Integrated Task Assignment and Path Planning for Capacitated Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
Z. Chen, J. Alonso-Mora, X. Bai, D. D. Harabor, P. J. Stuckey. In , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021.

Multi-agent Pickup and Delivery (MAPD) is a challenging industrial problem where a team of robots is tasked with transporting a set of tasks, each from an initial location and each to a specified target location. Appearing in the context of automated warehouse logistics and automated mail sortation, MAPD requires first deciding which robot is assigned what task (i.e., Task Assignment or TA) followed by a subsequent coordination problem where each robot must be assigned collision-free paths so as to successfully complete its assignment (i.e., Multi-Agent Path Finding or MAPF). Leading methods in this area solve MAPD sequentially: first assigning tasks, then assigning paths. In this work we propose a new coupled method where task assignment choices are informed by actual delivery costs instead of by lower-bound estimates. The main ingredients of our approach are a marginal-cost assignment heuristic and a meta-heuristic improvement strategy based on Large Neighbourhood Search. As a further contribution, we also consider a variant of the MAPD problem where each robot can carry multiple tasks instead of just one. Numerical simulations show that our approach yields efficient and timely solutions and we report significant improvement compared with other recent methods from the literature.

Where to go next: Learning a Subgoal Recommendation Policy for Navigation in Dynamic Environments
B. Brito, M. Everett, J. P. How, J. Alonso-Mora. In , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021.

Robotic navigation in environments shared with other robots or humans remains challenging because the intentions of the surrounding agents are not directly observable and the environment conditions are continuously changing. Local trajectory optimization methods, such as model predictive control (MPC), can deal with those changes but require global guidance, which is not trivial to obtain in crowded scenarios. This letter proposes to learn, via deep Reinforcement Learning (RL), an interaction-aware policy that provides long-term guidance to the local planner. In particular, in simulations with cooperative and non-cooperative agents, we train a deep network to recommend a subgoal for the MPC planner. The recommended subgoal is expected to help the robot in making progress towards its goal and accounts for the expected interaction with other agents. Based on the recommended subgoal, the MPC planner then optimizes the inputs for the robot satisfying its kinodynamic and collision avoidance constraints. Our approach is shown to substantially improve the navigation performance in terms of number of collisions as compared to prior MPC frameworks, and in terms of both travel time and number of collisions compared to deep RL methods in cooperative, competitive and mixed multiagent scenarios.