ACT: Perceptive Acting Under Uncertainty

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Khaled Mustafa - PhD candidate
Anna Meszaros - PhD candidate
Prof. Jens Kober - Learning, Autonomous, and Intillegent Robots (LAIR) TU Delft
Prof. Javier Alonso-Mora - Autonomous Multi-Robot Lab (AMR) TU Delft


This project is funded the the Dutch Research Council NWO-NWA, within the "Acting under Uncertainty (ACT)" project (Grant No. NWA.1292.19.298).

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About the Project

The ACT project bridges Neuroscenice, Behavioral Psychology, Robotics, and AI to study interactions with humans and autonomous systems and develop new application for safe navigation. Our Lab’s role in the project is to create a fundamental understanding of how autonomous agents can cope with uncertainty and demonstrate risk-aware autonomous agents that are demonstrably trustable and predictable.


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