By leveraging the recently introduced geometric framework for motion planning called geometric fabrics,
our approach learns stable motion profiles while considering online whole-body collision-avoidance and joint limits.
Using the language of dynamical systems, Imitation learning (IL) provides an intuitive and effective way of teaching stable task-space motions to robots with goal convergence. Yet, IL techniques are affected by serious limitations when it comes to ensuring safety and fulfillment of physical constraints. With this work, we solve this challenge via TamedPUMA, an IL algorithm augmented with a recent development in motion planning called geometric fabrics.
As both the IL policy and geometric fabrics describe motions as artificial second-order dynamical systems, we propose two variations where IL provide a navigation policy for geometric fabrics.
The result is a stable imitation learning strategy within which we can seamlessly blend geometrical constraints like collision avoidance and joint limits.
Beyond providing a theoretical analysis, we demonstrate TamedPUMA with simulated and real-world tasks, including a 7-DoF manipulator.
In Fig. 1 , trajectories are shown of a 2D point-mass example for the proposed methods, alongside baselines of geometric fabrics[1, 2] with a manually designed potential function, and PUMA[3]. The purely data-driven method PUMA follows the motion profile as learned from demonstrations, although it has no notion of obstacle avoidance or other physical constraints. The proposed methods, FPM and CPM, successfully follow the desired motion profile of PUMA, while avoiding collisions with the obstacles. In contrast, geometric fabrics are unable to follow the desired motion profile.
Experiment: Tomato picking with a 7-DoF manipulator
Demonstrating the tomato-picking task
Results of the tomato-picking task with TamedPUMA
Via TamedPUMA, PUMA is enhanced for safe and stable navigation, while accounting for whole-body collision avoidance and joint limits. We propose two variations, the Forcing Policy Method (FPM) and the Compatible Potential Method (CPM).
In the FPM, convergence to the goal is not guaranteed, but works well in practice.
CPM provides a stronger notion of goal convergence than the FPM. In practice, the performance is similar to FPM.
An out-of-distribution scenario
When an obstacle forces the robot towards a pose far from the demonstrations, TamedPUMA recovers and reaches the goal.
Human disturbances
When a human disturbs the robot, TamedPUMA can recover and converges to the goal.
Experiment: Pouring a liquid
Avoiding the helmet
TamedPUMA avoids collisions with the helmet while performing a learned pouring task.
Online goal changes
Using TamedPUMA, the goal can be changed online.
Comparison with geometric fabrics and PUMA
Note: The following videos might not display in Chrome, but they do render in Firefox, we are addressing this problem!
Geometric Fabrics
Fabrics causes a deadlock scenario with two obstacles representing the side of the box.
TamedPUMA (ours)
The DNN encodes an intuitive movement to avoid the side of the box.
Via PUMA, the demonstrated movement is learned while ensuring goal converge. Obstacle avoidance and physical constraints are NOT considered.
TamedPUMA (ours)
Via TamedPUMA, PUMA is enhanced for safe and stable navigation. Whole-body collision avoidance and joint limits are incorporated.
Table 1 contains specifications of the trained DNN for the tomato-picking task and pouring task. The network provides a second-order dynamical system where positions are trained over a Euclidian space and orientations over a spherical space. An illustration of the performance is provided in
Figure 3 at 5000 iterations. This shows the convergence to goal and the closeness of the solutions to the demonstrated motion profile by the user. A DNN with 5000 iterations takes 9 minutes to train on a standard laptop (i7-12700H) and 0.6 $\pm$ 0.1 ms to request an action from the DNN online.
Table 1. Hyperparameters of PUMA for a second-order dynamical system learning a pose, e.g. position and orientation.
Value (tomato-picking)
Value (pouring)
Stability loss margin ($m$)
Triplet imitation loss weight ($\lambda$)
Window size imitation ($\mathcal{H}^i$)
Window size stability ($\mathcal{H}^s$)
Batch size imitation ($\mathcal{B}^i$)
Batch size stability ($\mathcal{B}^s$)
Neural Network
Number of iterations
Learning rate
Activation function
Num. layers ($\varphi_{\theta}, \rho_\theta$)
(3, 3)
(3, 3)
Layer normalization
Figure 3. Performance of the DNN trained via PUMA where all states are normalized. The demonstrations are indicated in black, the trajectories generated by the DNN for the same initial poses as the demonstrations are given in red, and trajectories from randomly sampled initial conditions are indicated in blue.
Ratliff, Nathan, and Van Wyk, Karl. (2023). "Fabrics: A Foundationally Stable Medium for Encoding Prior Experience." arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.07368.
Ratliff, Nathan D., Van Wyk, Karl, Xie, Mandy, Li, Anqi, and Rana, Muhammad Asif. (2020). "Optimization fabrics." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02399.
Pérez-Dattari, Rodrigo, Della Santina, Cosimo and Kober, Jens. (2024). "Deep metric imitation learning for stable motion primitives." Advanced Intelligent Systems.
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